The WDO INDUSTRY is about to change
Wood-destroying insects like termites cause $30 billion in damage every year in the U.S. Currently, the only way to find wood-destroying insects like termites is by noticing the damage, after the destruction has already begun. The Bug catches termites before they destroy your home.
How it works: Termites make sounds that have unique patterns. The Bug listens for those sounds and recognizes those patterns. The Bug then alerts the homeowner or professional through an iPhone app. This alert comes many months or even years before the damage caused by these wood-destroying insects would otherwise be caught.
The Bug is installed inside in several places in the walls and/or crawlspaces of the home exclusively by trained InterNACHI® members. They can be installed in both new construction and existing homes. The Bug works instantly upon activation. This service is expected to be made available first through members of SUNachi in late 2024. Let us bug your house!
The Bug is patented. Read the U.S. Patent.
For more information, write Nick Gromicko at